Noir Absolu, colectia de rochii de seara Athena Philip 2018!

"There’s no other colour more elegant, more beautiful and more bold than black!"
Negrul este un stil de viata, o stare de spirit, o non-culoare, poate mai veche decat insasi moda! Asociat din timpuri istorice cu puterea, reputatia, stilul si statutul social, negrul transcede trend-urile vestimentare, contextele, rolurile sociale. Negrul este minimalist, luxos, hiper-senzual, complex, autentic, iar puterea lui de seductie consta in insusi mesajul sau intrinsec! 
Pentru brand-ul Athena Philip, negrul ramane culoarea emblematica a anului 2018. Asociat cu taftaua luxoasa, detalii de impact si croieli contemporane, negrul invaluie colectia de rochii de seara Athena Philip, intitulata sugestiv Noir Absolu.
Compusa din rochii de seara statuare sau salopete fluide si ample, ce contureaza o femeie eleganta, sigura pe alegerile ei vestimentare si impactul pe care il are aparitia ei intr-o astfel de tinuta, in contextul potrivit, colectia se evidentiaza prin croieli retro si detalii aparent decadente: un umar dezgolit, un slit adanc pe un picior, bretele ce cad pe umeri, falduri ce se unduiesc pe spate, pietre stralucitoare ce pun in evidenta talia, un decolteu adanc sau transparente date de dantela, tul sau broderie bogata.
Am ales negrul pentru mesajul, pe care il poarta aceasta non-culoare, forta sa de exprimare si impresia puternica pe care il produce, atat celei care il poarta, cat si celor care o admira. Aceasta colectie capsula este chintesenta stilului vestimentar si lifestyle-ului femeii moderne, orientata catre viitor si catre trend-uri, dar care nu a pierdut legatura cu radacinile ei. Am ales croieli atemporale, elemente cu efect surprinzator si materiale nobile pentru colectia Noir Absolu, pe care am imaginat-o ca un mesaj al femeii anului 2018”, spune Alina Filip, designer-ul Athena Philip
Colectia este disponibila in showroom-ul Athena Philip din calea Dorobanti nr. 56 sau pe Imaginea colectiei este vedeta TVR1 Ioana Voicu, sedinta foto a fost realizata in NOR -Sky Casual Restaurant. 

"There’s no other colour more elegant, more beautiful and more bold than black!"
Black is a lifestyle, a mood, a non-color, maybe older than fashion itself. Associated historically with power, reputation, style and social status, black transcends fashion trends, contexts, social roles. Black is minimalist, luxurious, hyper-sensual, complex, authentic, and its seductive power lies in its own intrinsic message!
For the Athena Philip brand, the black remains the emblematic color of the year 2018. Associated with the luxurious taffta, impact details and contemporary cuts, the black embraces the collection of evening dresses Athena Philip, suggestively named Noir Absolu.

Made of statuary evening dresses or fluffy and wide overcoat, which outlines an elegant woman sure about her choices and the impact her appearance has on such an outfit in the right context, the collection is highlighted by retro cuts and apparent decadent details: an unshaven shoulder, a deep cut on a foot, the shoulder straps on the shoulders, a fold that rolls on the back, gleaming stones that highlight the waist, a deep or transparent neckline given by lace, tulle or rich embroidery.
"I choose the black for the message that this non-color, its force of expression and the strong impression it produces, both to the wearer and the admires. This capsule collection is the quintessential fashion and lifestyle of the modern woman, oriented towards the future and trends, but has not lost touch with her roots. We choose timeless cuts, surprising and noble fabrics for the Moir Absolu collection, which I imagined as a 2018 woman's message", says Alina Filip, designerAthena Philip.
The collection is available in the Athena Philip showroom in Dorobanti street no. 56 or The picture of the collection is the TVR1 celebruty Ioana Voicu, the photo shoot made in NOR- Sky Casual Restaurant.
